
About UNCRD Publications

UNCRD provides a wealth of information and publications on local and regional development in developed, developing, and transitional economies. Its publications inform scholars, policymakers, and practitioners of the results of its research, training, and supportive programmes.

UNCRD publishes three categories of publications: Informational Materials; Periodicals; and Publications Series.

Informational Materials

UNCRD Annual Report (English and Japanese)
UNCRD Highlights (Japanese edition of the Newsletter)


Regional Development Dialogue (RDD)
(semiannual util RDD, Vol. 34, 2013 and annual* from Vol. 35, 2014, a policy-oriented journal)
*Following the release of the UNCRD journal, RDD, (Vol. 35, 2014), the journal has been published annually.
Recent RDDs:

  • RDD, Vol. 35, 2014 (Theme: Urban-Rural Linkages in Support of the New Urban Agenda)
  • RDD, Vol. 36, 2016 (Theme: Regional Development in the Context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development )

* RDD is suspended for publication by the release of Vol. 36 (2016) until further notice.

Regional Development Studies (RDS)*
(an academic refereed journal)
Available US$20 for developed countries; and US$15 for developing countries
* RDS is suspended for publication by the release of Vol. 16 (2012) until further notice.

UNCRD Publications Series

Research reports, textbooks, and training materials.
(Available on purchase order or on an exchange basis.)


UNCRD Styleguide

Authors are furthermore requested to refer to the UNCRD Styleguide (pdf)PDF when preparing papers, which is available at the Information Material.



Publications Section

UNCRD Publications

Recent UNCRD Publications