IPLA - International Partnership for Expanding Waste Management Services of Local Authorities

International Partnership for Expanding Waste Management Services of Local Authorities (IPLA), launched at the Nineteenth Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-19) in May 2011, aims to foster partnerships among local authorities, private and industry sector, international organizations, donor agencies, scientific and research institutions, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in achieving sustainable waste management.
UN Press Release on Official Launching of IPLAPDF


To share knowledge, communicate across national boundaries, and work to spread best practices in order to accelerate the uptake of waste-related infrastructure and services at various stages of waste management such as avoidance, prevention, minimization, segregation, collection, transport, recycling, recovery, reuse treatment, and disposal.


Local authorities of emerging and developing economies face capacity constraints in terms of technological, financial, institutional, and policy aspects in implementing waste management infrastructure and associated services. The rising volume and complexity of waste streams are posing challenges to LAs threatening human health and ecosystem as well as the security of resources.

At the Intersessional Conference of CSD-19 on Building Partnerships for Moving Towards Zero Waste held from 16 to 18 February 2011 in Tokyo, Japan, the establishment of IPLA was unanimously endorsed. IPLA was officially launched during CSD-19 held in New York in May 2011.

What is IPLA?

IPLA serves as a "dynamic knowledge platform" and a "decentralized network" among a wide range of partners such as cities and municipalities, governments, the private sector, NGOs, academic and research institutions, international and donor organizations, UN agencies, among others, to address waste management issues, including new emerging issues, at local/municipality level.

Goal and Objective

The objective of IPLA is to enable local authorities to expand their waste management services by accelerating the uptake of waste-related infrastructure and services at various stages of waste management through meaningful collaboration with a wide range of partners such as governments, business and financial sector, and civil society. The final goal of IPLA is to help local authorities move towards resource efficient and zero waste societies.

Project Outputs

IPLA aims to support the following six activities via focusing on facilitating a world-wide network and promoting knowledge-sharing and partnerships among a wide range of stakeholders.

  • Member local authorities introduce institutional, business or financial models and/or improve their current practices in waste management services;
  • International financial mechanisms (including carbon financing) are accessed by member local authorities;
  • Awareness and capacity of member local authorities are enhanced;
  • Innovative projects that apply appropriate technologies are implemented and replicated in the jurisdictions of member local authorities;
  • Sustainable waste management strategies such as the Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and the 3Rs are mainstreamed/ integrated at the national and local levels; and
  • Database on waste generation, technology performance and standards, benchmarks, and key performance indicators (KPIs) are collated.

Membership and Registration

IPLA membership is open to all interested entities that align with its mission of expanding waste management-related services of local authorities in the context of sustainable development.


IPLA provides multiple benefits to its members:

  • Sharing of knowledge, data, and information;
  • Accessing expert advice and training;
  • Addressing critical and emerging issues;
  • Seizing new opportunities;
  • Showcasing and recognition; and
  • Expanding further collaborations.


IPLA is supported by global, regional, and sub-regional Secretariats.

Additional resources

Environment - IPLA - SDG Partnership

Focal Points

Environment Unit
Nagono 1-47-1, Nakamura-ku,
Nagoya 450-0001, JAPAN
Email: environment@uncrd.or.jp


Environment Unit Staff