Date: 6 July 2009-12 August 2009
Place: Nagoya, Japan
UNCRD conducted a five-year series of training course on human security, which was launched in 2005. The fifth training course was conducted from 6 July to 12 August 2009 with seven participants from Lao PDR, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
Course objectives were: (a) to identify the area of intervention from a human security perspective; (b) to understand the skills and practical means of addressing human security concerns; (c) to develop action plans in order to integrate the concept of human security in project planning and implementation in regional development; and (d) to disseminate these activities at their relevant organizations and submit progress reports that describe the realization of their action plans.
Contents of the Course
Through this course, participants learned about a wide range of human security issues, including conflict management, impacts of large development projects and resettlement, sustainable livelihoods, endogenous regional development (EnRD) cases in Japan, and disaster management while acquiring skills using participatory planning tools such as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Project Cycle Management (PCM).
The completion of this course concluded the five-year training programme, which trained a total of thirty-seven government officials of the three target countries. It is highly expected that trained participants will make improvements in regional development planning by integrating the human security approach.
Previous Training Courses
1st Training Course (2 Feb - 18 Mar 2006)
2nd Training Course (23 Oct - 2 Dec 2006)
3rd Training Course (5 Nov - 8 Dec 2007)
4th Training Course (7 Jul - 13 Aug 2008)