Date: 24 April 2015
Place: Bogota, Colombia
UNCRD-LAC implemented a workshop aimed at the “Interinstitutional Coordination for the constitution of a Territorial Integration Committee", between Bogota and 12 municipalities of its surrounding region. The mayors of these territories will sign an agreement for this purpose, which will follow the guidelines contained in the national Law 614/2000. This will be the outcome of several years of discussion between the local governments -- supported by UNCRD-LAC -- to harmonize/coordinate local territorial plans with a regional perspective. The Territorial Integration Committee is a multi-stakeholder and inter-institutional coordination group, which will also involve the Government of the Departamento of Cundinamarca (regional), the Environmental Regional Agency, the National Planning Department and the Ministries of Interior and Housing and Territorial Development. This agreement and Project is expected to serve as a relevant pilot project for other city-regions. The workshop, which was attended by a group of 35 participants, representing different levels of government and other groups of interest.
The main issues discussed were the definition of an Area of Influence in line with the Law 614 of 2000, the process of con-urbanization, the land uses and public services, as well as the mechanisms envisaged to establish a Technical Secretariat for the CIT, the joining mechanisms to the territorial entities and the need of an annual Action Plan.
UNCRD LAC Office supports this initiative facilitating the drafting of minutes related to CIT conformation and the definition of Area of Influence for the stakeholders to agree on them and envisage a possible agreement to be signed for them in a near future.
(Office: UNCRD Latin America and the Caribbean Office)