Dates: 11 August - 4 November 2011
Place: Bogota, Colombia
The outcomes of project on Human Security Assessment undertaken in the Bogotá-Cundinamarca Region from 2006 to 2008, generated the interest of the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services of Bogotá (UAESP, Spanish Acronym), which requested technical assistance from UNCRD-LAC to apply the Human Security Assessments methodology in analyzing the conditions of vulnerability in communities affected by the open waste disposal dump of Bogotá (called "Doña Juana") as an input in the formulation of the Social Management Plan for the Territorial Recovery of its area of influence.
This initiative included complementary activities such as meetings and training workshops, aimed at building a common vision of the future of the area, and identifying actions to reduce/eliminate the threats that undermine the security of the people, to achieve an integrated recovery of the area, to be included in the Social Management Plan.
With these workshops, UNCRD has continued supporting the implementation of the second phase of the Social Management Plan for the Recovery of the Area of Influence of the Waste Landfill of the City of Bogotá “Doña Juana”, through training and capacity building of public officials on human security and regional development, and technical assistance to monitor the implementation process. UNCRD also supported the documentation and publication of the process. In this opportunity training was delivered to a wider group of officials in charge of UAESP's Social Management Unit.
UNCRD will continue supporting this process until November 2012.
Participants: 20 public officials of the UAESP in charge of the implementation of the Plan.
Collaborating organizations/implementing partners: Special Administrative Unit of Public Services of Bogotá¡ (UAESP Spanish acronym)
(Office: UNCRD Latin America and the Caribbean Office)