Workshop on School Earthquake Safety and Disaster Education

2008/09/09 to 2008/09/10
Suva, Fiji

group of children (school safety project)Date:  9-10 September 2008

Place:  Suva, Fiji


The Regional Workshop on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction is an initiative developed by the Education Task Force as a first step to demonstrate the long term commitment of this partnership to integrate disaster risk reduction into the Education sector. It aims in realizing the importance of safe schools, to replicate successful practices, to institutionalize the movement, and to disseminate the lessons learnt.

This two day South Pacific Regional Workshop on Safe schools and disaster risk reduction in the South Pacific focuses to;
a) Share knowledge and experience of school earthquake safety at the global, regional and community level
b) Identify good practices in integrating DRR in developing school safety programs
c) Identify policy issues for institutionalization of school safety into national development strategies, resource allocation for making safe school buildings and capacity building for dissemination and adaptation of appropriate technologies in the context of the South Pacific countries
d) Define the challenges, critical needs and opportunities in implementing the school earthquake safety in the South-Pacific countries.




(Office:  UNCRD Disaster Management Planning Hyogo Office)