HLPF2024 Side Event "A New Political Corridor to Achieve SDGs Through Water" (12 July 2024, New York)



On 12 July, "A New Political Corridor to Achieve SDGs Through Water: From Bandung Spirit Water Summit to UN 2026 Water Conference" was held in person at UNHQs as a side event of the HLPF 2024. The event was co-organized by the Governments of Albania, Indonesia, and Japan, the Geneva Water Hub (GWH), the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP), Sanitation and Water for All (SWA), and UNCRD/UNDESA. The objective of this side event was to share the outcomes of the Bandung Spirit Water Summit, which was attended by incumbent and former Heads of State and Government, organized at the 10th World Water Forum in May 2024. The summit focused on three key areas of water urgency: climate change and resilience, sanitation and water for all, and water for peace. Based on the outcomes of the Bandung Spirit Water Summit, the side event discussed how to pave pathways towards a resilient and sustainable world through water. During the opening remarks, among high-level speakers delivering opening statements, Mr. Navid Hanif, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, UN DESA mentioned in his statement that the Bandung Spirit Water Summit facilitated discussions among political leaders and stakeholders, including local and regional governments. ASG Hanif also stressed the importance of localizing the 2030 Agenda in facilitating the implementation of SDGs and welcomed the offer of Toyota City, Japan, for hosting the next International Mayors’ Forum in 2025. H.E. Mrs. Suela Janina, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the UN, emphasized that water and sanitation are crucial for human well-being and stressed the importance of involving the younger generation in prioritizing water and sanitation. The side event brought together about 30 participants, including representatives of Member States, UN agencies, local governments, youth, and other stakeholders.


Concept Note and Programme
