UNCRD contribution to Circular economic utilisation of plastic waste in India and the Asian region



On 8 December 2021, UNCRD-DSDG co-organized a virtual webinar on Circular Economic Utilization of Plastic Waste in India and the Asian Region, in collaboration with All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG), 3R Waste Foundation, Urban Update, India. The webinar focused on challenges in plastic degradation, conventional and non-conventional treatments available for plastic waste, best possible routes of bio-degradation and associated impacts on the society and on the government, as well as the circular economic utilization of plastic waste in India and the Asian region. It was attended by about 60 participants from 5 countries, comprising of academia, NGOs, national and local government officers, private sector, UN and international organizers and donor agencies. UCNRD-DSDG delivered a presentation on - Circular economy for creating higher values of plastic waste and also highlighted the important contributions that the circular economy could make towards SDG 14 on sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, including prevention of marine pollution from land-based activities.