2nd Drafting Committee Meeting-cum-Experts Consultation on Pre-Zero Draft new 3R and Circular Economy Declaration (2024-2034) [successor of the Hanoi 3R Declaration (2013-2023)]

2022/11/30 to 2022/12/01
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India and Online

30 November-1 December 2022


Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) of Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) / UN DESA

International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water (ISWMAW)

Related website

Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Official web page of 3R Forum, Ministry of the Environment, JapanOpens a new window

State of 3R and Circular Economy
Official web page of State of 3R and Circular EconomyOpens a new window

Ha Noi 3R Declaration (2013-2023)
Ha Noi 3R Declaration Sustainable 3R Goals for Asia and the Pacific for 2013‐2023PDFOpens a new window

State of the 3R in Asia and the Pacific- Experts' Assessment of Progress in Ha Noi 3R Goals
State of the 3R in Asia and the Pacific- Experts' Assessment of Progress in Ha Noi 3R Goals

Book- State of Plastics Waste (2020)
Book- State of Plastics WastePDFOpens a new window