Date: 26-28 April 2009
Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Venue: Hotel Sheraton, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Under the overall framework of the Asian EST Initiative and in line with recommendations made in the Aichi Statement and Kyoto Declaration, UNCRD in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia organized the In-country EST Training Workshop-cum-Policy Dialogues in Indonesia with the objectives to:
a) build the capacity of relevant line Ministries/Departments/Agencies to address multi-sectoral EST issues;
b) mainstream integrated EST approaches in the overall transport decision making, planning and development;
c) identify priorities and come up with strategic recommendations for consideration at policy level, including those for National EST Strategy development; and
d) create momentum for inter-agency coordination and support towards addressing multi-sectoral EST issues.
The Training Workshop covered five important EST themes/modules, namely:
a) Transport Demand Measures
b) Non-motorized Transport (NMT) and environment and people friendly urban transport infrastructures,
c) road safety issues and measures,
d) social equity and gender consideration in transport, and
e) vehicle emission control, I/M, fuel quality and urban air quality.
The workshop successfully raised general awareness on the concept and elements of EST, built capacity and facilitated active policy dialogue among participants on selected EST themes underlined in the Aichi Statement. Additionally, the workshop provided an ideal opportunity to emphasize the importance of increased inter-agency coordination and collaboration at the national level for the implementation and consideration of EST related policies in their work programmes.
Organizers and Supporting Organizations
Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Government of Bangladesh
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
Supporting Organizations
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bangladesh Country Office
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)
Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Japan
Approximately 80 participants from various line Agencies, Ministries, NGOs, and academic/research organizations relevant to EST areas attended the meeting