Dates: 23-25 August 2010
Place: Bogota, Colombia
UNCRD, UN/ECLAC, the Municipality of Milan, and the Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile. The course is directed to approximately thirty participants from Chile and Colombia, and is aimed at providing tools for participatory project formulation under the human security and regional development conceptual framework, and its relation with energy efficiency and climate balance. The Course comprises three main training blocks related to analysis, project formulation and project management. Each block addresses social, environmental, economic and governance aspects integrated through the development of practical workshops.
The August 2010 workshop was designed to facilitate the exchange practical experiences, discuss and jointly reflect on the subjects addressed in the Second Block of the Course, centered in project formulation, as well as to identify and formulate relevant strategies to develop an urban-regional project under the human security and regional development approach. Prestigious international experts were invited by UNCRD-LAC to provide relevant inputs to the discussions and the projects, strengthening international support networks in urban- regional management issues.
Individual project proposals were amply discussed and main inputs were based on territorial planning and management strategies applicable to the variety of complex situations (social, environmental, cultural and economic vulnerabilities in urban and rural areas, population migration, displacement, water shortages, poverty, environmental pollution in coastal areas, regional disparities, deficient provision of public and social services, and threatened biodiversity and livelihoods, among others) faced by the regions represented in this Course.
UNCRD-LAC will continue providing support to the Course through its virtual component and its finalization in 2011 includes the implementation of an evaluation workshop which will contribute to the overall assessment of the training course, and learn lessons to improve future office's training activities in LAC.
Attendance: 30 public officials of subnational levels of government from Colombia and Chile
(Office: UNCRD Latin America and the Caribbean Office)