Date: 2-5 November 2009
Place: Bogota, Colombia
This Introductory Training Module is an integral part of the semi-virtual postgraduate training course jointly implemented by UNCRD, the Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile, UN/ECLAC, and the Municipality of Milan, targeted to approximately thirty participants from Chile and Colombia. The module is aimed at providing tools for participatory project formulation under the human security and regional development conceptual framework, and its relation with energy efficiency and climate balance. The module has been designed as a practice-oriented workshop highlighting the basic aspects of human security and regional development, and the importance of collaborative work, through conferences, group discussion, and practical exercises.
At the end of the training course, the participants should have:
(a) Understood the strengths of the human security approach in the context of the integrated regional development initiative, and its relationship with energy efficiency and climate balance, for the formulation of urban-regional projects;
(b) Identified the basic variables to build indicators that may be applied to the social development of specific projects that participants developed during the course;
(c) Taken appropriation of the methodology and instruments to design, formulate, and evaluate strategies, programmes, and projects under the human security and regional development approach; and
(d) Identified ways to integrate the human security concept in local and regional development strategies, including a human security orientation in their action plans.
(Office: UNCRD Latin America and the Caribbean Office)