UNCRD continues to encourage local governments in Japan to further implement the SDGs at the local level and, if necessary, support their outreach and capacity building activities to accelerate projects and efforts towards the SDGs. UNCRD also organizes an annual public seminar under the theme "Localizing SDGs" to accelerate implementation of the SDGs in local communities in the Chubu Region.
Following Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya City and Toyohashi City have been selected as the "SDGs Future Cities" in July 2019. These four cities are highly evaluated for their respective efforts to promote sustainable urban development, which reflect their unique challenges and characteristics. UNCRD continues to domestically and internationally promote the exchange of lesson learned and to make Chubu region a a powerful driving force to achieve the SDGs in Japan.
SDG plans/strategies of local and regional governments in Chubu:
Owariasahi City was given the Award for Creative Developments in Healthy Cities in 2018 for "Activities and SDGs of Healthy City" by the Alliance for Healthy Cities.