Date: 21 May 2014
UNCRD together with the City of Bogota, and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota (CCB) co-organized the panel and workshop event on Integrated Regional Development Planning in the context of the first Administrative and Planning Region (RAPE) Central Region, as an effort to continue strengthening the regional agenda of Bogota and its area of influence. The main objective of this event was to socialize and disseminate the initiative of the creation of the RAPE with relevant regional stakeholders (academia, environmental entities, national entities, chambers of commerce, private sector and community organizations, regional planning organizations, etc.), and receive valuable feedback that will help improve this ongoing process of regional integration.
The workshop consisted of forming six groups, each representing a stakeholder. They were asked five questions, one that included the development of a SWOT analysis. The six groups had to input all the answers in a final matrix, which included all the answers to the questions from the six groups. The matrix served as a tool to highlight the perspective and vision of each stakeholder regarding the process of the creation of the RAPE.
(Office: UNCRD Latin America and the Caribbean Office)