Win-Win Solutions to Climate Change and Transport, United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), 2009

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A perfect storm of events has fallen come upon us. The planet climatic system is undergoing unprecedented changes that hold the potential to severely diminish quality of life for today and for future generations. At the same time, economic changes mean that car ownership and usage is growing at alarming rates, especially in the developing nations of Asia. And at the same time, a global economic crisis is unfolding which will reduce the ability of governments to address either climate change or human development.

It is often said, though, that where there is danger, there is opportunity. A range of pathways exist before us to address both the challenges of global climate change and urban transport. Which pathways we choose will do much to shape quality of life for both the current generation as well as that of our children.

We must do more than business-as-usual approaches that only make token progress towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions. There are options that simultaneously can dramatically improve the goals of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Such win-win solutions indicate that the co-benefits of certain climate change mitigation measures can readily justify the required investment.

This document, Win-in Solutions for Climate Change and Transport" seeks to assist decision-makers with options for reaping the benefits of sustainable urban transport while addressing national economic development, environmental management, and social equity.
