Date: 19 May 2008
Place: Hanoi, Viet Nam
Institute for Strategy and Policy for Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)-Viet Nam
Participants (PDF)
Over 80 experts and stakeholders participated including:
Relevant ministries of the central government
Local government
Academic Institutions
International expert: Mr. Michikazu Kojima, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
Opening Remarks
The opening remarks were made by Dr. Nguyen Van Tai, Acting Director General, ISPONRE/ MONRE. He stated that solid waste management is one of the most pressing environmental issues in Vietnam which deserves appropriate level of investment. He mentioned that the draft National 3R Strategy must be improved further to be submit to the Ministry for consideration in government's annual work plan for 2009, and requested the participants' active contribution in this meeting.
Presentation by UNCRD
Participants were provided with an overview of the key issues with regards to 3R, including the definition of 3R, importance of "Reduce" in the 3R, co-benefits that can be achieved with 3R, and the major global/regional initiatives. Then the structure and process of National 3R Strategy Formulation were presented, with the explanation on the forthcoming steps (i.e., preparation of the 3rd Draft, provincial consultation, etc.). At the end, the purpose of this Meeting and the aspects that needs to be reviewed by the participants were highlighted.
Received from the Participants
Following the presentation made by Dr. Nguyen Trung Thang on the 2nd draft National 3R Strategy, comments were received from the floor. Participants generally commended on the improvement made on the 2nd draft, recognizing that the comments made at the 1st Consultation had been reflected, and made further comments for improvement.
Setting the Timeline for Preparing the Revised Draft (3rd Draft)
After the meeting was over, UNCRD, Mr. Kojima, and ISPONRE/MONRE met and discussed/confirmed the main comments raised by the participants, and agreed on the time line in preparation of the revised Strategy (3rd Draft). The 3rd Draft Strategy, reflecting the comments received from the National Expert Consultation, would be prepared by September 2008. Regional Consultation (One consultation each in North, Central, and South region) would be held in September 2008, to discuss the 3rd Draft and to get regional/provincial perspectives.