Kobe, Japan
Date: 15 October 2009
Place: Kobe, Japan
Co-organized with Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage-Ritsumeikan University and UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Hyogo Office
(Supported by Hyogo Prefecture, Yomiuri Shimbun Co. Ltd.)
About 200 people form local residents around the Kansai area, NGOs, municipality officials, students, and researchers participated to the Symposium.
Objectives are:
- To promote regional development in historical cities;
- To identify the risk of existing buildings in historical cities in the Asia-Pacific region;
- To share the experience of formulating countermeasures for existing buildings in historical cities and its conservation/reconstruction; and
- To enhance awareness of safety measures for existing buildings in historical cities.
Symposium included key note speech, panel discussions and film presentations, inviting experienced experts from China, Indonesia and Nepal of DM/reconstruction in Historical City, presenting their case.
(Office: UNCRD Disaster Management Planning Hyogo Office)