Dates: 21-23 March 2011
Place: Nanyuki, Kenya
The UNCRD Africa Office and University of Denver, in partnership with the University of Nairobi, have been conducting a research-cum-training project in northern Kenya. Within the overall context of human security, this project aims to reduce vulnerability and increase human security of communities affected by conflict in Northern Kenya by building the capacity of the community and empowering vulnerable groups affected by conflict through identification and promotion of sustainable livelihood and conflict management strategies. The rationale for capacity building and conflict management is to empower people through exchange of information, promotion of knowledge, and building of skills for improved livelihoods and to enable the local community to deal with conflicts in a sustainable manner. Through identification and promotion of both sustainable livelihood and conflict management strategies, the project attempts to address the two aspects of human security: freedom from fear (conflict) and freedom from want (creation of sustainable livelihoods). The research phase of this project was completed and the findings of the research will be published as a book titled "Human Security and Conflict in Africa: Kenya in Perspective" to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in June 2011. The capacity-building phase of the project commenced last year and to-date two training workshops were conducted for the Garissa and Laikipia districts of Kenya. As part of this capacity-building programme, the UNCRD Africa Office and University of Denver, in partnership with the University of Nairobi, will conduct a training workshop for community leaders, planners, representatives of NGOs, CBOs, etc. from the Marsabit district.
(Office: UNCRD Africa Office)