Date: 5-7 October 2011
Place: Singapore
Theme: Technology Transfer for promoting the 3Rs
Building on the increased awareness/understanding on the significance of the 3Rs at the policy level, and to foster the development, adaptation, and scaling up of environmentally friendly 3R technologies, the main objectives of the Third Meeting of the Regional 3R Forum in Asia will be to:
- Address 3R technologies (including technologies that reduce virgin material input as well as technologies that encourage use of recycled resources);
- Address and identify policies and institutional frameworks for the promotion of the 3Rs technologies, including those that contribute to attracting investment and promoting business to business technology transfer;
- Address and identify opportunities for collaborative actions and partnerships including bilateral, multilateral and regional supporting mechanisms to promote 3R technology transfer; and
- Contribute towards enhanced regional input to the UNCSD 2012 (Rio+20) by addressing 3R technologies towards Green Economy.
National Environment Agency (NEA)
Ministry of the Environment - Japan
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
Supporting Organizations:
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
German International Cooperation (GIZ)
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
Opening Session
Key Note Address
The 3Rs as the basis for sustainable waste management/moving towards zero waste by Luis Diaz, Chair, Task Group on Developing Countries, International Waste Working Group
[Paper (PDF) / Presentation (PDF)]
Achievements since the Tokyo 3R Statement - Moving towards Rio+20 and beyond UNCRD (PDF)
Plenary Session 1: Best practices and available technologies in the 3Rs
Best practices and available technologies in the 3Rs [Background Paper (PDF) / Presentation (PDF)]
3R Technology for Eco-friendly Products - In the Context of Economic Competitive Advantage in International Business [Presentation (PDF)]
Plenary Session 2: Policy and institutional framework for promoting transfer of 3R technologies
Policy and institutional framework for promoting transfer of 3R technologies Background Paper (PDF) / Presentation (PDF)]
Policy and institutional framework for disseminating 3R technologies: The case of the Home Appliances Recycling Law in Japan [Presentation (PDF)]
Plenary Session 3: Market demand as driving force for 3R technology transfer and the role of private sector
Market demand as driving force for 3R technology transfer and the role of private sector [Background Paper (PDF) / Presentation (PDF)]
Plenary Session 5: Importance of the 3Rs in a green economy
The Ideas of the Development of a Circular Economy in the "Twelfth Five-Year" Plan of China [Presentation (PDF)]
Discussion Points
Plenary Session 1: Best practices and available technologies in the 3Rs (PDF)
Plenary Session 2: Policy and institutional framework for promoting transfer of 3R technologies (PDF)
Plenary Session 3: Market demand as driving force for 3R technology transfer and the role of private sector (PDF)
Plenary Session 4: International cooperation in promoting transfer of 3R technologies (PDF)
Round Table
Round Table 1: 3R technologies in production processes (PDF)
Round Table 2: 3R technologies in municipal waste management (PDF)
Round Table 3: 3R technologies relate to new and emerging waste (PDF)
Country Analysis Paper
- Bangladesh (PDF)
- Bhutan (PDF)
- Brunei Darussalam
- Cambodia (PDF)
- P. R. China (PDF)
- Fiji
- India (PDF)
- Indonesia (PDF)
- Japan (PDF)
- Kiribati
- Republic of Korea (PDF)
- Lao PDR (PDF)
- Malaysia (PDF)
- Maldives (PDF)
- Mongolia (PDF)
- Myanmar (PDF)
- Palau
- Philippines (PDF)
- Samoa
- Singapore (PDF)
- Solomon Islands (PDF)
- Thailand (PDF)
- Timor-Leste (PDF)
- Viet Nam (PDF)
Reference Documents from Panelists
Plenary Session 1:
Supporting document by Asian Productivity Organization (PDF)
Supporting document by Kitakyushu City Government (PDF)
Plenary Session 2:
Supporting document by WASTE-Advisers on Urban Environment and Development (PDF)
Supporting document by Kawasaki City Government, Japan (PDF)
Plenary Session 3:
Supporting document by Canon Singapore Pte Ltd. (PDF)
Plenary Session 4:
Supporting document by German International Cooperation (PDF)
Supporting document by Japan International Cooperation Agency (PDF)