The United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)-DSDG/UN DESA, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), Asian Transport Outlook (ATO) co-organized the official side event on “Asia’s Contribution to Greening Transport” at International Transport Forum (ITF), 22 May 2024, Leipzig, Germany. More than 40 participants from 15 countries took part in the event. The participants included representatives of government agencies, scientific and research organizations, academic institutions, private sector and multi-lateral development banks. The side event further strengthened the symbiotic relationship between the ADB driven ATO process and UNCRD’s Regional EST Forum in Asia in catalysing sustainable transport development in Asia.
Amidst the global backdrop of moving towards more sustainable transportation trajectories, Asia has emerged as a trailblazer in pioneering transformative solutions, which has resulted in a throve of valuable lessons which can pave the way for other regions for accelerated transformation towards greener transportation pathways. While the region faces its own challenges, it boasts impressive strides in specific solutions such as high- speed rail, shared mobility services, and electric mobility where in Asia is not just keeping pace but is setting the bar. The side event aimed to discuss these advancements, exploring the lessons learned and opportunities for collaboration as the cities and countries navigate a more sustainable transportation future in achieving the international agendas and agreements such as the UN SDGs, the Paris Agreement, and the New Urban Agenda, among others. The initiatives shared through three main presentations such as China’s experience on expanding its high-speed rail system; India’s experience on semi-high-speed rail to improve connectivity between cities; and Republic of Korea’s experience towards carbon neutrality in urban transport sector, are clear indications that Asia is significantly contributing towards greening the transport sector.
- China’s High-Speed Rail Experience Infrastructure Design, Standardization, and Sustainability
- Delhi- Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System: Shaping the Semi High Speed Rail Development in Asia and Beyond
- South Korea’s Experience and Trails for carbon neutrality in urban transport