2014 IPLA Europe Forum at IFAT 2014

2014/05/07 to 2014/05/08
Munich, Germany

ipla europe 2014 group photoDate:  7-8 May 2014

Place:  Munich, Germany

Venue: Saal 14c, ICM (International Congress Centre Munich)


Co-organized by:

United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)

International Partnership for Expanding Waste Management Services of Local Authorities (IPLA)


Supported by:

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany

Messe München International


International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)



Day 1: Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Presentation Name Affiliation/Title
Keynote1 : Germany’s Experience on Moving Towards a Resource Efficient Society through Successful Engagement of Private Sector as Business ModelsPDFOpens a new window Mr. Thomas Rummler Deputy Director-General Waste Management, Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
Dr. Andreas Jaron Head of Division WR II 1, Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Theme 1: Engaging Private Sector - Waste Business Opportunities and Constraints in Developing Countries
Business Opportunities and Constraints in Waste Sector of Developing Countries - Reflections on the Circular EconomyPDFOpens a new window Mr. David Newman President, ISWA
Theme 2: Engaging Informal Sector - Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) Involving Informal Sector
Successful PPP Models Involving Informal Waste Sector – Role of Service and Value ChainsPDFOpens a new window Dr. Anne Scheinberg Senior Adviser, WASTE-The Netherlands
Theme 3: Enabling Conditions for Scaling up International Partnerships / PPPs in Developing Countries
What Lessons Boras based Business Model Offer for International Partnerships in Waste Sector?PDFOpens a new window Prof. Hans Björk Coordinating Director, Waste Recovery - International Partnership, University of Borås, Sweden



Day 2: Thursday, 8 May 2014

Presentation Name Affiliation/Title
Keynote 2: From Waste to Resource Management: Role of the Private Sector in Moving towards a Circular EconomyPDFOpens a new window Mr. Gary Crawford Vice President, Veolia, France
Update on IPLA and Its Activities and Call for European Private & Business Sector to join “Borås Declaration of the Private Sector on Moving Towards Resource Efficient and Zero Waste Societies (2013)”PDFOpens a new window Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty Environment Programme Coordinator, UNCRD