Policy Support Activities in EST Countries

Mapping of International Policy Support Activities in the Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum Countries

In late 2022, the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) carried out a first-of-is-kind mapping of the thematic and geographic transport policy and capacity development support activities (PSA) run by international organizations in countries participating in the Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Asia.

Its objective was to assess the alignment of these PSA with the Aichi 2030 DeclarationPDF, and to inform the planning of future support activities that will help enable the countries to achieve the Aichi 2030 Declaration, and with it, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Paris Agreement.

The mapping is based on information collected from organizations' public databases and through direct outreach; it covers:

  • 21 EST Forum participating low-and middle-income countries (LMIC)
  • Aichi Goals
  • Aichi Strategies
  • 6 transport-related SDGs
  • Years 2015 to 2022
  • 29 organizations and programmes

The full report of Mapping of International Transport Policy Support Activities in EST Forum Participating Countries: Scope and Alignment with the Aichi 2030 Declaration and the .xls database can be downloaded on the right.

In the below section, the findings from the mapping can be visualized, filtered, and downloaded.

All data can be freely used; please cite as follows: UNCRD. (2023). Transport Policy Support Activities in EST Forum Participating Countries (V1.0). Available on: https://uncrd.un.org/content/environment-est

Reading the Data

What are Policy Support Activities (PSA)

For the purpose of this mapping, a PSA was defined as any activity that supports national and subnational stakeholders developing and implementing sustainable transport policies. One PSA can have several components and it may align with several Aichi Goals, SDGs, Aichi Strategies, and Interventions (see below) at the same time. A PSA may be run as a stand-alone activity, or it may be embedded with financial cooperation.

What does the mapping cover

The mapping provides the number of PSA per country, the number of times of PSA align with an Aichi Goals, an Aichi Strategy, and the chosen 6 transport-related SDGs.

For the purpose of this mapping, the PSA were grouped into 6 types of interventions:

  • Data collection and research
  • Exchange and awareness
  • Financial instruments development
  • Institutional development and capacity-building
  • Legal frameworks development
  • Policies development

The implementing organizations were grouped into 5 types of organizations:

  • Financial institutions
  • Technical Agencies
  • Thinktanks and Foundations
  • UN Agencies
  • Industry Federations

Further information include the year an activity started and the transport mode it addresses.

Data Visualization and Filtering

The data can be visualized and filtered from different perspectives and with different interests.