Date: 11-12 December 2006
Place: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Organizers and Supporting Organizers
Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
Supporting Organizations:
Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)
Seoul Development Institute (SDI) German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
- To conduct policy dialogue and share best practices, policy instruments, tools and technologies in the areas of urban environment and transport in line with the philosophy of Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST)
- To follow-up on the implementation of the Aichi Statement, adopted in the First Regional EST Forum held on 1-2 August 2005 in Nagoya, Japan through sharing government initiatives and policies in relation to the ten thematic areas of EST
- To introduce the concept of EST Performance Indicators (EPI), which are to be developed under the overall framework of the EST Initiative and in line with the elements and recommendations of the Aichi Statement; and To discuss the modalities for the Mayors Dialogue on EST, which will be held in April 2007 in Kyoto, Japan as a pre-event of the ADB Annual Meeting of the Finance Ministers
- To discuss and explore linkages with other on-going national, regional and international activities / initiatives in promoting environmentally sustainable transport
A total of approximately 100 participants attended the Second Regional EST Forum.
Outcome Document
Programme and Presentations
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DAY 1: Monday, 11 December 2006
Presentation | Name | Affiliation/Title |
Opening Session | ||
Opening Remarks | Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa | Director, UNCRD |
Mr. Kazuhiko Takemoto | Director General, Ministry of the Environment, Japan | |
H.E. Gempur Adnan | Deputy Minister for Environmental Pollution Control, Ministry of Environment, Indonesia | |
Mr. Hadi Prabono | Deputy Secretary, City of Yogyakarta (on behalf of the Mayor of Yogyakarta) | |
Keynote Speech | Mr. Iskandar Abubakar | Director General of Land Transport, Ministry of Transportation, Republic of Indonesia (on behalf of H.E. M. Hatta Rajasa, Minister of Transport, Indonesia) |
UNCRD’s EST Initiative, Objectives of the Regional EST Forum | Mr. C.R.C. Mohanty | Environment Programme Coordinator, UNCRD |
Country Initiative | Cambodia | Ministry of Environment / Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) / Ministry of Health |
Lao PDR | Ministry of Environment / Ministry of Communication, Transport, Post and Construction (MCTPC) / Ministry of Health | |
Viet Nam | Ministry of Environment / Ministry of Transport / Ministry of Health | |
PR China | State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) / Ministry of Communications / Ministry of Health | |
Policy Dialogue (comments from experts) |
Mr. Narayan V. Iyer | Bajaj Auto Ltd. |
Mr. Simon Ka Ng | Civic Exchange | |
Mr. A.T.M. Nurul Amin | Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) | |
Mr. Manfred Breithaupt | GTZ | |
Country Initiatives (Continued) | Indonesia | Assistant Deputy for Mobile Source Emission Pollution Control, Ministry of Environment |
Malaysia | Department of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | |
Philippines | Department of Transportation and Communications | |
Thailand | Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Envrionment | |
Policy Dialogue (comments from experts) |
Mr. Christopher Weaver | Engine, Fuel & Emissions Engineering |
Mr. Charles Melhuish | ADB | |
Mr. Gyeng Chul Kim | Seoul Development Institute | |
Country Initiatives (Continued) | Brunei Darussalam | Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation, Ministry of Development |
Myanmar | National Commission for Environmental Affairs / Ministry of Rail Transportation | |
Mongolia | Ministry of Road, Transport and Tourism / Ministry of Nature and Environment | |
Policy Dialogue (comments from experts) |
Mr. Katsutoshi Ohta | Toyo University |
Mr. Alexis Lau | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | |
Mr. Toru Suzuki | Central Nippon Expressway Company | |
Mr. Cornie Huizenga | Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) |
DAY 2: Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Presentation | Name | Affiliation/Title |
Country Initiatives (Continued) | Singapore | Policy And Planning Division, National Environment Agency |
Republic of Korea | Ministry of Construction and Transportation | |
Japan | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport / Ministry of the Environment | |
Policy Dialogue (comments from experts) |
Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi | Nagoya University |
Dr. Marie Thynell | Gothenburg University | |
Mr. Masahiko Hori | JARI | |
Mr. Simon Ka Ng | Civic Exchange | |
Wrap-up Session on Country Initiatives in relation to Aichi Statement | Mr. Charles Melhuish | ADB |
EST Indicators - Case of Indonesia | Ridwan Tamin | Ministry of Environment, Indonesia |
Asian Mayors' Policy Dialogue for the Promotion of EST in Cities | Mr. C.R.C. Mohanty | UNCRD |
Ministry of the Environment, Japan | ||
Ms. Naoko Matsumoto | IGES | |
Linkage of the BAQ2006 and EST Forum Process | Mr. Kong Ha | Chairperson, CAI-Asia |
Sustainable Transport and Environment Program (STEP) Using GEF Grant Financing | Mr. Jitendra Shah | World Bank |
Sustainable Urban Transport and Clean Air for Smaller Cities in the ASEAN Region | Mr. Roland Haas | GTZ |
Adoption of the Meeting Summary Meeting Summary of the Second Regional EST Forum in Asia |
Closing Session | ||
Closing Remarks | H.E. Gempur Adnan | Deputy Minister for Environmental Pollution Control, Ministry of Environment-Indonesia (on behalf of H.E. Rachmat Witoelar, Minister, State Ministry of Environment, Indonesia) |
Mr. Kazuhiko Takemoto | Director General, Ministry of the Environment, Japan | |
Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa | Director, UNCRD |