SIDS (Pacific Island Countries) Consultation Meeting on the Pre-Zero Draft of New Declaration on 3R and Circular Economy in Asia-Pacific (2024-2034), 14-17 May 2024, Apia, Samoa

2024/05/14 to 2024/05/17

UNCRD-DSDG/UN DESA and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) co-organized the SIDS (Pacific Island Countries) Consultation Meeting on the Pre-Zero Draft of New Declaration on 3R and Circular Economy ~ Sustainable 3R and Circular Economy Goals for Achieving Resource Efficient, Clean, Resilient, Sound Material Cycle and Low-Carbon Society in Asia and the Pacific (2024-2034) from 14 to 15 May 2024 at SPREP HQ in Apia, Samoa. The Consultation meeting which was followed by a Capacity Building Workshop on 16-17 May was supported by EU SWITCH-Asia, SWAP, J-PRISM III, PAWES, POLP, and PACPLAN. The consultation was attended by about 47 participants from 20 countries, including all SPREP member countries (Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Japan, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna). The main objective of the Pacific SIDS consultation meeting was to obtain feedback and inputs to the draft New Declaration from SIDS/Pacific Island Countries’ perspective given that PICs face unique issues and challenges in achieving sustainable development in view of their unique location, geographical isolation, climate and environmental vulnerabilities, including their exposure to frequent and intense natural disasters. The country consultations further discussed potential synergies between New Declaration on 3R and Circular Economy and SPREP’s Second Phase of Strategies on 3R and waste management for SIDS and PICs. While the consultation meeting was moderated by CRC Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator of UNCRD/DSDG-UN DESA, and Arab Hoballah, Team Leader, SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility, the meeting was officially opened by Sefanaia Nawadra, Director General, SPREP followed by an opening remark by Kazushige Endo, Director, UNCRD- DSDG/UN DESA, and special addresses by Themba Kalua, UN Resident Coordinator for Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau, and finally by Hon. Minister Toeolesulusulu Cedric Pose Salesa Schuster, Ministry of the Natural Resources and Environment, the Government of the Samoa.

In his opening welcome, Mr. Nawadra emphasized the critical importance of waste and pollution management for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Pacific nations. While these regions have devoted significant resources to managing waste and plastic, their geographical positioning presents a formidable challenge. SIDS alone cannot effectively tackle the issue of oceanic waste and plastic pollution due to their location and geographic position. Thus, it is imperative for SIDS and Pacific countries to engage in further global negotiations to address this pressing concern. He expected that the consultation meeting on draft new 3R and Circular Economy Declaration would offer a platform for better discussions and come up with fruitful regional outcomes. Mr. Endo expected that the new Declaration would catalyze numerous strategies and actions at all levels with regard to sustainable material use and waste management, which is crucial for achieving various SDGs, mitigating climate change, and fostering global sustainable development. On behalf of the United Nations system in Samoa, Mr. Themba Kalua, Resident Coordinator, recognized the importance of the consultation meeting on the Pre-Zero Draft of New Declaration on 3R and Circular Economy for Asia and the Pacific. This draft is slated for discussion and adoption at the upcoming High-Level 12th Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in Asia and the Pacific. We stand at a unique juncture to enhance this draft Declaration, particularly from the perspective of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Pacific Island countries, acknowledging our distinctive challenges and vulnerabilities, including the imminent threat of climate change. Despite these challenges, we acknowledge the immense potential and aspirations of the people of SIDS. However, at the midpoint of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, only 12% of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are progressing as planned. SIDS face even greater hurdles due to chronic underfunding, with Pacific SIDS lagging further behind. Projections indicate that the Pacific region may only achieve the SDGs by 2065, a staggering 35 years behind schedule. In this context, promoting sustainable consumption and production practices becomes imperative. Integrating the principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) and the circular economy into policy frameworks, infrastructure development, and daily practices is crucial. Implementing these strategies is not only essential for achieving the SDGs but also for advancing other global and regional agendas, including the 2050 Strategies for the Blue Pacific continent. With the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) scheduled in Antigua and Barbuda at the end of this month under the theme "Charting the Course Toward Resilient Prosperity," our discussions here will significantly influence the regional input to this landmark event. It's vital to recognize that progress in the ten action areas outlined in the new program of action, to be known as the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS), cannot be achieved without meaningful advancements in 3R and circular economy practices.

In his special address, Honorable Minister Toeolesulusulu Cedric Pose Salesa Schuster highlighted the alarming increase in global material consumption over the past 50 years. He underscored that while Small Island Developing States (SIDS) contribute only 1.56% to global mismanaged plastic waste volume, the average waste generation per person in SIDS is 48% higher than the global average. This disproportionate waste output presents a substantial challenge for SIDS, given their limited economic resources and fragile environments. Minister Schuster emphasized the urgent need for focused waste management and waste reduction initiatives in SIDS to address this issue. He recognized the significant contributions of the UNCRD/UN DESA led Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in Asia in facilitating collaboration among SIDS on waste management initiatives since its inception in 2009. Minister Schuster reiterated the importance of the ongoing consultation process in shaping the future direction of collective efforts in sustainable development through sound waste management. With recent discussions in the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) and the upcoming SIDS4 meeting, gathering inputs on the Pre-Zero Draft of the new Declaration is crucial. Minister Schuster emphasized the need to leverage synergies between the new Declaration and SPREP's Second Phase of Strategies to develop effective waste management solutions for Pacific SIDS countries.



  1. Ten Year’s History of Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in Asia-Pacific and Introducing the Pre-zero Draft New 3R and Circular Economy Declaration (2024-2034)
    by Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UNCRD-DSDG/UN DESA
  2. Committing to the Sustainable Waste Actions in the Pacific (SWAP) Project
    by Julie Pillet, Senior Project Officer, SWAP
  3. 25years SPREP-JICA Partnership on Solid Waste Management
    by Satoru Mimura, Chief Advisor, JPRISM III
  4. Pacific Adoption of Waste to Energy Solutions (PAWES) Project
    by Lilian Penaia, Technical Waste Officer, PAWES Project
  5. PacWastePlus Programme
    by Lance Richman, Technical Waste Project Officer-Hazardous Waste, PacWastePlus Programme
  6. Cleaner Pacific Coastal Environments
    by Andrea Volentras, Project Manager, Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP)
  7. SWITCH-Asia Pacific Circular Economy related activities
    by Zinaida Fadeeva, Team leader, SWITCH-Asia Pacific PSC
  8. Bioeconomy and Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
    by Raushan Kumar, Forestry Officer / Better Environment Module Leader, FAO Subregional Office, Apia, Samoa
  9. Emerging opportunities in promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and circularity approaches to accelerate transition towards sustainability in the Pacific Island Countries
    by SWITCH-Asia
  10. UNCRD’s Approach to Resilient Urban Development through Smart Solutions: The Second Half of Achieving the SDGs: Halfway to 2030
    by Kazushige Endo, Director, UNCRD
  11. Integrated Approach of Urban Development in Pacific SIDS
    by Susana Telakau, Solid Waste Management Adviser, SPREP