Date: 9-11 September 2013
Place: Boras, Sweden
UNCRD, the City of Boras, and Waste Recovery International Partnership in Boras co-organized IPLA Global Forum 2013 on Sustainable Waste Management for the 21st Century Cities -Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities through Partnership, in Boras, Sweden on 9-11 September 2013, with the support of University of Boras, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Boras Energy and Environment and private sectors in Sweden.
Official website of the IPLA Global Forum 2013:
Day 1: 9 September 2013
Presentation | Name | Affiliation/Title |
Keynote 1: Sweden and sustainable development | Ms. Annika Markovic | Environment Ambassador, Ministry for the Environment, Sweden |
Theme 1: Resource Efficiency and Zero Waste towards Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities through Partnership | ||
Ha Noi 3R Declaration in the Context of Rio+20 Outcome - Implications towards Resource Efficient and Zero Waste Society | Mr. CRC Mohanty | Environment Programme Coordinator, UNCRD |
Our vision - a city free from fossil fuels. Opportunities in the future - cooperation through Public Private Partnership | Mr. Gunnar Peters | CEO, Borås Energy and Environment, Sweden |
Instruments to climb the waste hierarchy, on the way to waste prevention | Ms. Erika Nygren | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency |
Visions and Implementations for a Green and Clean City of Palu, Indonesia - the social dimension of a waste management strategy | Mr. Sance Lipu | Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia |
Theme 2: Waste Management Technologies - Assessment, Selection, Access, Transfer and Adaptation | ||
Assessment and selection of waste management technologies | Dr. Evalena Blomqvist | SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden |
City Clusters in Waste Management - Gamping Fruit Market in Sleman Regency, Indonesia- the project and the future - Appropriate transfer and Management through partnerships | Dr. Siti Syamsiah | Gadja Madah University, Indonesia |
Needs for waste management technology - case of Russia and EurAsEC | Mr. Vladimir A. Maryev | Director, International Center for the Best Environmental Technologies (ICBET), Russia |
Optimizing co-benefits of climate change and global warming from municipal solid waste management for the 21st century cities - Introduction to Municipal Solid Waste Initiative of Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) | Ms. Annika Markovic | Environment Ambassador, Ministry for the Environment, Sweden |
City-City Cooperation for Sustainable Waste Management - Technology Transfer through N-S-S network | Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa | Senior Fellow, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan |
Day 2: 10 September 2013
Presentation | Name | Affiliation/Title |
Keynote 2: Examples of waste management from a developing country, from past to present times | Ms. Sara Stenhammar | Program Manager, Environment & Energy, Global Programmes, Department for International Organisations and Policy Support, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) |
Theme 3: Public private partnership (PPP) and financing and investment opportunities in zero waste | ||
Ericsson Product Take-Back | Mr. Stephen Rodgers | Ericsson |
Zero Waste as a vehicle to realize Green Economy in Southern Africa | Prof. Christina Trois | Dean and Head, School of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal / International Waste Working Group Southern African Regional Branch, South Africa |
Demo Environment - Example of Public Private Partnership | Mr. Marcus Liu | Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket), Sweden |
Theme 4: Waste recycling markets and green jobs | ||
Waste recycling markets and creating green jobs- European perspective | Mr. Johan Sundberg | Prof, Sweden |
Waste recycling markets and creating green jobs- Asian perspective | Prof. Chettiyappan Visvanathan | Environmental Engineering and Management Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand |
Sustainability, Future needs, Solutions and Social inclusions | Dr. Maria Cecilia dos Santos | University of San Paulo, Brazil |
Theme 5: Regional Cooperation (inter-municipal/ industry-industry /country-country) | ||
Waste Recovery, an international partnership that supports capacity building, knowledge and technology transfer for a sustainable waste management to local and regional authorities | Mr. Paar Carlsson | Waste Recovery International Partnership in Boras, Sweden |
Prof. Hans Bjork | ||
Ms. Jessica Magnusson | ||
Regional Cooperation in Waste Management in the Pacific Region | Ms. Esther Richards | Solid Waste Management Adviser, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Samoa |
ECO-Innovations through Public Private Partnerships | Prof. Tobias Richards | University of Boras, Sweden |
Dr. Berit Gullbransson | SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden |
Other References
Presentation | Name | Affiliation/Title |
Zero Waste Society in Boras City, Sweden - Strategies to Action | Dr. Hans Bjork | School of Engineering, Director of Waste Recovery, University of Boras, Sweden |
Multisector Participants in Reaching Zero Waste in Colombia | Bogota Basura Cero |
Media Coverage (links)
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Waste Recovery International Partnership
(Swedish Media)