Date: 26 February-2 March 2018
Place/Venue: United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan
Theme: "Railways as the Low Carbon and Sustainable Transport Development Solutions in Achieving Safe, Inclusive, Efficient and Resilient Communities under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) of Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) / UN DESA
Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Japan (MOEJ)
United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Tokyo, Japan
Japan Railway Technical Service (JARTS)
Supporting Organizations
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of the Government of Japan (MLIT)
Eco-Mo Foundation, Japan
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute, Perth, Australia
The Regional EST Training Course under the theme of Railways as the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Transport Development Solutions in Achieving Safe, Inclusive, Efficient and Resilient Communities under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, was held at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan from 25 February-3 March 2018. The training course was organized by the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) of Division for Sustainable Development (DSD)/UN DESA in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of the Government of Japan, United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Japan Railway Technical Service (JARTS), the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute, Australia, and the Eco-Mo Foundation, Japan. The training was attended by 54 participants from 17 countries- Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, P.R. China, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. The need-based training contributed to enhance the capacity of developing countries in making the railway transport system - both passengers and freight - safe, efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable. As an integral part of the training course, two-day comprehensive technical field visits were designed to cover various design, operation and safety aspects of the subway and surface rail system, including high-speed railways.
Draft Concept Note and Provisional ProgrammePDFOpens a new window
- Module 1 : (Presentation) : Innovative Policies for Rail Based Transport System to Meet the Growing Travel Demand: Case of India by Mr. Ved PalPDFOpens a new window
- Module 1 : (Presentation) : Case of China by Ms. Shanshan LiPDFOpens a new window
- Module 1 : (Presentation) : Development History of High-speed Railways in Japan and World Wide Prospects by Prof. Hitoshi IedaPDFOpens a new window
- Module 10 : (Presentation): Urban Railway System Development in Japan-Contribution of the Private SectorPDFOpens a new window
- Module 11 : (Presentation): Urban Railway System: Case of IndiaPDFOpens a new window
- Module 12 : (Presentation): Institutional Arrangements and Good Governance for Railway Management: Case of ChinaPDFOpens a new window
- Module 13 : (Presentation): Role of Railways on Urban Development and Regional DevelopmentPDFOpens a new window
- Module 14 : (Presentation): Role of Railways on Urban and Regional Development of IndiaPDFOpens a new window
- Module 15 : (Presentation): The Contribution of Railways to Urban and Regional Development in a Smart and Disruptive WorldPDFOpens a new window
- Module 16 : (Presentation): Delivery Models for Enhanced Private Involvement in Land and Rail Based ProjectsPDFOpens a new window
- Module 5 : (Presentation): Urban Railways Management and Operation: Case of IranPDFOpens a new window
- Module 6 : (Presentation): Improving Railway Technologies and Efficiency: Case of ChinaPDFOpens a new window
- Module 7 : (Presentation): Role of Railways in Building Resilient Against Natural Disaster-Lessons from JapanPDFOpens a new window
- Module 8 : (Presentation): The Role of Railways to Building the Resilience and Sustainability of Cities and CommunitiesPDFOpens a new window