Date: 17-19 March 2008
Place: Singapore
Venue: Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore
The third Regional EST Forum was co-organized by National Environment Agency (NEA) / Ministry of Water Resources and Environment of Government of Singapore, Land Transport Authority (LTA) / Ministry of Transport of Government of Singapore, Ministry of the Environment of Government of Japan, and the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) from 17 to 19 March 2008 to share and discuss knowledge and experiences to promote EST Initiative in Asia including country’s initiatives, policies, best practices, and issues concerning 12 thematic areas of EST as defined in the Aichi Statement among 22 Asian countries.
The status of the National EST Strategy formulation was reported by Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam. Valuable comments, advices, and recommendations were given by the expert members, participants, and international organizations for further development of the Strategy.
The meeting also had a special session on co-benefit approach in EST area, which addresses climate change and development issues concurrently.
Supporting Organizations:
World Health Organization (WHO)
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
South Asia Co-operative Environment Program (SACEP)
The ASEAN Working Group on Environmentally Sustainable Cities (AWGESC)
A total of approximately 140 participants attended the Third Regional EST Forum.
List of Participants
Programme and Presentations
Opening Session
Opening remarks
- Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa, Director, UNCRD
- Mr. Junichi Shiraishi, Deputy Director General, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
- H.E. Mr. Raymond Lim, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, Singapore
- Asian EST Initiative, Objectives of the Regional EST Forum, and Aichi Statement, Mr. C.R.C. Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UNCRD
- Mr. Manfred Breithaupt, Sustainable Urban Transport Project/ German Technical Cooperation (SUTP/GTZ)
- Mr. Michael Replogle
- Group 4, Mr. Cornie Huizenga, Clean Air Initiative-Asia (CAI-Asia)
- Group 5, Mr. Charles Melhuish
- Group 6, Mr. Lloyd Wright
- Initiative of Japanese Government of Promoting the Co-benefits Approach to Climate Change, Mr. Kotaro Kawamata, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
- Co-benefit Approach to Mitigation in Transport Sector, Mr. Masato Kawanishi, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA);
Mr. Tsutomu Uchida, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) - Climate Change and EST - Singapore’s Experience, Mr. Bashir Ahmad, National Environment Aganecy, Singapore
- Environmentally Sustainable Transport and Green Growth in Asia and the Pacific, Mr. Lorenzo Santucci, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
- Financing Urban Transportation in Asia: Importance of Carbon Financing in Achieving SUT, Mr. Herbert Fabian, CAI-Asia
- Future EST Activities, Mr. C.R.C. Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator<, UNCRD
- Overview of Various Sustainable Urban Transport (SUT) Related Programmes and Activities in Asia and Potential Synergies, Mr. Cornie Huizenga, CAI-Asia
- Mr. Mohinder Singh, Dean, LTA Academy, Land Transport Authority, Singapore
- Mr. Keiji Fukumoto, Assistant Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
- Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa, Director, UNCRD
Plenary Session 1: Introducing UNCRD's EST Initiative, Objectives of the Regional EST Forum, and the Aichi Statement
Session Chair: Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa, Director, UNCRD
Breakout Session 1: Country Initiative and Policy Dialogue
Breakout Group 1
Session Chair: Ms. Anneli Lontoc, Under Secretary, Department of Transportation and Communications, Philippines
Moderator: Mr. William H.K. Lam
Breakout Group 2
Session Chair: Mr. Ibrahim Zuhair, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication, Maldives
Moderator: Mr. Simon K.W. Ng
Breakout Group 3
Session Chair: Dr. Muhammad Bashir, Director General, Environment Protection Agency, Pakistan
Moderator: Mr. Manfred Breithaupt
Lunch Break Session
Travel Demand Management for Environmentally Sustainable Transport
Introducing World Cities Summit (WCS) 2008, Mr. Shanmuga Retnam, Project Director, World Cities Summit
Breakout Session 1: Country Initiative and Policy Dialogue (Day 1 afternoon session)
Breakout Group 4
Session Chair: Mr. A.M.M. Nasir Uddin, Member, Physical Infrastructure, Planning Commission, Bangladesh
Moderator: Mr. Cornie Huizenga
Breakout Group 5
Session Chair: Mr. Delgertsogt Davaaodrj, Vice Minister for Nature and Environment, Mongolia
Moderator: Charles Melhuish
Breakout Group 6
Session Chair: H.E. Mr. Rohana Dissanayake, Minister of Urban Development, Sri Lanka
Moderator: Mr. Lloyd Wright
Plenary Session 2: Status report on EST national strategy by Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
Session Chair: Mr. Liana Bratasida, Chairman, AWGESC
Process of National EST Strategy Formulation, Mr. C.R.C. Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UNCRD
Status Report on National EST Strategy: Cambodia; Lao PDR; Viet Nam
Day 2: Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Plenary Session 3: Reporting by Breakout Groups 1, 2, 3
Chair: Mr. Mohinder Singh, Dean, LTA Academy, Land Transport Authority, Singapore
Plenary Session 4: Reporting by Breakout Groups 4, 5, 6
Session Chair: Mr. Rama Kant Gauro, Member, Infrastructure Sector, National Planning Commission Nepal
Plenary Session 5: Climate Change, EST and Co-benefit
Session Chair: Mr. Ong Seng Eng, Director, Resource Conservation Department, National Environment Agency, Singapore
Plenary Session 6: Future EST Activities
Session Chair: Dr. A. A. Boaz, Director General, SACEP
Closing Remarks
Related Links
About Regional EST Forum