Date: 14-16 March 2017
Place: Vientiane, Lao PDR
Theme: 2030 Road Map for Sustainable Transport ~Aligning with Sustainable Transport Development Goals (SDGs)~
Don Chan Palace Hotel & Convention
Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT), Lao PDR
Ministry of the Environment (MoE), Japan
Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)
United Nations Economic and Social Commission of Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD)
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
German International Cooperation (GIZ)
Supporting Organizations
Asian Development Bank (ADB), Department for International Development (DFID), EMBARQ (The World Resources Institute’s Center for Sustainable Transport), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, International Road Transport Union (IRU), Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), International Union of Railways (UIC), Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP), SAFER-Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre, University of Gothenburg, United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI), World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank (WB)
Associated Events during the Forum
13 March: Pre-event on Contribution of Rural Transport to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
15 March: Vientiane International Mayors Forum
- Chair's Summary of the 10th Regional EST Forum in Asia
- Vientiane Declaration on Sustainable Rural Transport towards Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Addendum to Kyoto Declaration for the Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Transport ~ Towards Realizing Resilient, Smart and Liveable Cities in Asia
- Major Challenges, Progress and Achievements by Asian Countries on the Implementation of EST Policies and Measures from Aichi EST Forum (2005) to Vientiane EST Forum (2017)
- List of Participants
Photos of 10th Regional EST Forum (Please click on the photo to view the next photo)
Media Coverage
- Media Coverage by Vientiane Times
- TV News on 10th Regional EST Forum 1
- TV News on 10th Regional EST Forum 2
- TV News on 10th Regional EST Forum 3
- Plenary Session-1 (Background paper): 2030 Road Map for Sustainable Transport in Asia ~ Aligning Government Policy with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Plenary Session-10 (Background paper): Economics of Road Safety - What does it imply under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
- Plenary Session-11-1 (Background paper): Green Freight in Asia in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Plenary Session-11-2 (Background paper): Railways as the Backbone of Environmentally Sustainable Transport and their Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Plenary Session-2 (Background paper): Achieving Poverty Eradication through Improved, Inclusive and Equitable Transport Systems
- Plenary Session-3 (Background paper): Eco-Mobility in the Context of Rural-Urban Connectivity
- Plenary Session-3 (Background paper): Improving Rural Connectivity and its Impact on SDGs –Case of Nepal
- Plenary Session-3 (Background paper): Rural-Urban Connectivity in Achieving Sustainable Regional Development
- Plenary Session-4 (Background paper): Policy Framework to Improve Rural Transport Connectivity to Wider Local, National and Regional Transport Networks
- Plenary Session-4 (Background paper): Policy Framework to Improve Rural Transport Connectivity to Wider Local, National and Regional Transport Networks
- Plenary Session-5 (Background paper): Case Study on Bhutan LRT System ~ Outcome of the Pre-feasibility Study
- Plenary Session-9 (Background paper): A Comprehensive Assessment of EST Progress and Achievements Made by Member Countries on the Implementation of the Goals of the Bangkok 2020 Declaration
- Plenary Session-9 (Background paper): Insight to Implementation of the Bangkok 2020 Declaration ~ Policy Trends and Developments, Challenges and Opportunities
- Country Presentation (Afghanistan)
- Country Presentation (Azerbaijan)
- Country Presentation (Bangladesh
- Country Presentation (Bhutan)
- Country Presentation (Cambodia)
- Country Presentation (India)
- Country Presentation (Indonesia)
- Country Presentation (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Country Presentation (Japan)
- Country Presentation (Kyrgyz Republic)
- Country Presentation (Lao PDR)
- Country Presentation (Malaysia)
- Country Presentation (Maldives)
- Country Presentation (Mongolia)
- Country Presentation (Myanmar)
- Country Presentation (Nepal)
- Country Presentation (Pakistan)
- Country Presentation (Republic of Korea
- Country Presentation (Russian Federation)
- Country Presentation (Singapore)
- Country Presentation (Sri Lanka)
- Country Presentation (Tajikistan)
- Country Presentation (Thailand)
- Country Presentation (The Philippines)
- Country Presentation (Timor-Leste)
- Country Presentation (Uzbekistan)
- Country Presentation (Viet Nam)
- Country Report (Afghanistan)
- Country Report (Azerbaijan)
- Country Report (Bangladesh
- Country Report (Bhutan)
- Country Report (Cambodia)
- Country Report (India)
- Country Report (Indonesia)
- Country Report (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Country Report (Japan)
- Country Report (Lao PDR)
- Country Report (Malaysia)
- Country Report (Mongolia
- Country Report (Myanmar)
- Country Report (Nepal)
- Country Report (Pakistan)
- Country Report (Republic of Korea)
- Country Report (Russian Federation
- Country Report (Singapore)
- Country Report (Sri Lanka)
- Country Report (Thailand)
- Country Report (The Philippines)
- Country Report (Timor-Leste)
- Country Report (Viet Nam)
- Plenary Session-1 (Presentation): 2030 Vision for Sustainable Transport in Asia: Aligning Government Policies with Sustainable Development Goals (Mr. Cornie Huizenga)
- Plenary Session-1 (Presentation): Connecting the Dots to the SDGs, Paris Climate Agreement and the New Urban Agenda (Mr. Holger Dalkmann)
- Plenary Session-1 (Presentation): Environmentally Sustainable Transport, Connecting to Implement of Paris Agreement on Climate Change in Lao PDR (Mr. Syamphone Sengchandala)
- Plenary Session-10 (Presentation): Achieving SDG target 3.6 Halve the number of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2020 (Dr. Jonathon Passmore)
- Plenary Session-10 (Presentation): Economics of Road Safety – What does it imply under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? (Prof. Jac Wismans)
- Plenary Session-10 (Presentation): National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan of the Lao PDR (Mr. Somnuk Mektakul)
- Plenary Session-10 (Presentation): Urban Road Safety – Guidelines for Policy Makers in Developing Cities (Mr. Manfred Breithaupt)
- Plenary Session-11 (Presentation): Green Freight and Logistics Development in Lao PDR (Mr. Sonephet Somekhit)
- Plenary Session-11 (Presentation): Green Freight in Asia in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals (Mr. Friedel Sehlleier)
- Plenary Session-11 (Presentation): Green Freight Transport and Logistics as A Trade Enabler towards Social Progress, Environmental Protection and Climate Mitigation (Ms. Frida Youssef)
- Plenary Session-11 (Presentation): Railways as the Backbone of Environmentally Sustainable Transport and their Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Mr. Milko Papazoff)
- Plenary Session-2 (Presentation): Achieving Poverty Eradication through Improved Inclusive and Equitable Transport System (Dr. Medan Regmi)
- Plenary Session-2 (Presentation): Poverty Eradication in Lao PDR (Mr. Chith Thavixay)
- Plenary Session-2 (Presentation): Roles of Sustainable Access in Food Security and Eliminating Hunger (Dr. Stephen Rudgard)
- Plenary Session-2 (Presentation): Sustainable Connectivity for Empowering Women and Girls (Prof. Marie Thynell)
- Plenary Session-3 (Presentation): Eco-Mobility in the Context of Rural-Urban Connectivity (Ms. Sin Yi Ch Ng)
- Plenary Session-3 (Presentation): Improving Rural Connectivity and its Impact on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Case of Nepal Findings & Recommendation (Mr. Kamal Raj Pande)
- Plenary Session-3 (Presentation): Rural-Urban Connectivity in Achieving Sustainable Regional Development (Mr. C. R. C. Mohanty)
- Plenary Session-3 (Presentation): SDG Integration in Urban Development to Strengthen Urban-Rural Linkages (Mr. Sengdara Douangmixay)
- Plenary Session-4 (Presentation): Introducing the Vientiane Declaration on Sustainable Rural Transport towards Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (H.E. Mr. Viengsavath Siphandone)
- Plenary Session-4 (Presentation): Outcome of the Global Sustainable Transport Conference 2016 (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) (Mr. Akmamedov Maksatmyrat)
- Plenary Session-4 (Presentation): Outcome of the Ministerial Conference on Transport, 2016, Moscow (Dr. Madan Regmi)
- Plenary Session-4 (Presentation): Outcome of the Pre-event: Contribution of Rural Transport (Dr. Jasper Cook)
- Plenary Session-4 (Presentation): Policy Framework to Improve Rural Transport Connectivity (Dr. Madan Regmi)
- Plenary Session-5 (Presentation): Case Study on Bhutan LRT System ~ Outcome of the Pre-feasibility Study (Mr. Julien Gaudremeau and Dr. Charlie Hargroves)
- Plenary Session-5 (Presentation): Implementation of Renewable Energy Projects (Dr. Sermkham Thoummavongsa)
- Plenary Session-5 (Presentation): Smart Cities Mission, Present Status, Outlook (Mr. Mukund Kumar Sinha)
- Plenary Session-5 (Presentation): New Energy Development in Low-Carbon City (Mr. Haifeng Lu)
- Plenary Session-5 (Presentation): New Energy Development in Low-Carbon City -- Recommendation from International Green Model City Initiative (Mr. Lu Haifeng)
- Plenary Session-5 (Presentation): Outcome of HABITAT III ~ Policy Insights to Sustainable Urban Transport (Dr. Avi Sarkar)
- Plenary Session-5 (Presentation): Suggested conclusions & recommendations (Dr. Ralph D. Wahnschafft)
- Plenary Session-9 (Presentation): Insight to Implementation of the Bangkok 2020 Declaration, Policy Trends and Developments, Challenges and Opportunities (Mr. Todd Litman)
- Pre-event (Presentation):Bangladesh Rural Roads (Mr. Abul Monzur Md Sadeque)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Community involvement in maintaining rural roads – Nepal case study (roadside plantation project) (Dr. Ram Chandra Bhattarai)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Enhancing the Sustainability of Rural Transport Infrastructure Through Effective Asset Management (Africa based – capacity building) (Mr. Les Sampson)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Financing Rural Transport Services in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities (Mr. Karl Peet)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Importance of Rural Transport in Regional Development (Ms. Chikako Takase)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Keynote Speech: The Role of Rural Transport in Achieving the SDGs (H.E. Mr. Viengsavath Siphandone)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Launch of Key Messages on Rural Transport and SDGs (Mr. Cornie Huizenga)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Mainstreaming Gender in Rural Transport Projects in Nepal and Other Initiatives in Asia (Ms. Jun Hada)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Natural Disaster Prevention in the Transport Sector (Mr. Vongphachanh Boualaphanh)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Risk Management and Climate Resilience Optimization for Vulnerable Road Access: Emerging Lessons from Research in Africa (Mr. Les Sampson)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Rural Transport Policies in the Asia Pacific Region (Dr. Madan B. Regmi)
- Pre-event (Presentation): Rural Transport Research in Support of SDGs (Dr. Jasper R Cook)
- Pre-event (Presentation): State of the Art on Rural Transport Services (Mr. Paul Starkey)/li>