Date: 2-5 October 2018
Place: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Venue: Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Theme: "Sustainable Urban Design and Development ~ Role of EST"
Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, Mongolia
Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Mongolia
Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia
Municipality of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Ministry of the Environment (MOE), Japan
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG)/UN DESA
The Eleventh Regional EST Forum in Asia and the Pacific, 2-5 October 2018, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia was co-organized by the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, the Ministry of Road and Transport Development, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and Municipality of Ulaanbaatar of the Government of Mongolia; Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Japan (MOE-Japan); the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP); and the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG)/UN DESA under the overall theme of " Sustainable Urban Design and Development ~ Role of EST ".
- [FINAL] Signed Ulaanbaatar Addendum to the Kyoto Declaration
- Ulaanbaatar Addendum to the Kyoto Declaration
- Chair's Summary of the 11th Regional EST Forum in Asia (FINAL)
- List of Participants
- 11th EST Forum_booklet_quick ref
Media Coverage
Video Coverage 1 on 11th Regional EST Forum
Video Coverage 2 on 11th Regional EST Forum
Video Coverage 3 on 11th Regional EST Forum
Government of Mongolia
Mont Same News Agency 1
Mont Same News Agency 2
Documents below have been prepared for the Eleventh Regional EST Forum in Asia. The views expressed herein are those of the authors/presenters only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations.
- Background paper for Asian Mayors Session 4
- Background paper for EST Plenary Session 1
- Background paper for EST Plenary Session 2
- Background Paper for EST Plenary Session 3
- Background paper for EST Plenary Session 4
- Background Paper for EST Plenary Session 5
- Background Paper for EST Plenary Session 6 (1)
- Background Paper for EST Plenary Session 6 (2)
- Background Paper for EST Plenary Session 6 (3)
- Background Paper for EST Plenary Session 7
- Background Paper for EST Plenary Session 8 - Progress from Aichi EST Forum (2005) to Laos EST Forum (2017)
- Background paper for Pre-event 1
- Reference Document for Pre-Event 2 and Plenary Session 8: 2017 High Level Political Forum: Limited Focus on The Contribution Of Transport Toward Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
- Reference Document for Pre-Event 2 and Plenary Session 8: 2018 Voluntary National Reviews: Showcasing the Critical Role of The Transport Sector to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
- Reference Document for Pre-Event 2 and Plenary Session 8: Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) Offer Opportunities for Ambitious Action for Sustainable Transport
- Country Report (Bangladesh)
- Country Report (Bhutan)
- Country Report (Cambodia)
- Country Report (India)
- Country Report (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Country Report (Japan)
- Country Report (Lao PDR)
- Country Report (Malaysia)
- Country Report (Maldives)
- Country Report (Myanmar)
- Country Report (Nepal)
- Country Report (Republic of Korea)
- Country Report (Russian Federation)
- Country Report (Sri Lanka)
- Country Report (Thailand)
- Country Report (The Philippines)
- Country Report (Viet Nam)
- Country Presentation (Afghanistan)
- Country Presentation (Bangladesh)
- Country Presentation (Bhutan)
- Country Presentation (Cambodia)
- Country Presentation (India)
- (Indonesia)
- Country Presentation (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Country Presentation (Japan)
- Country Presentation (Lao PDR)
- Country Presentation (Malaysia)
- Country Presentation (Maldives)
- Country Presentation (Myanmar)
- Country Presentation (Nepal)
- Country Presentation (Pakistan)
- Country Presentation (Republic of Korea)
- Country Presentation (Russian Federation)
- Country Presentation (Sri Lanka)
- Country Presentation (Thailand)
- Country Presentation (The Philippines)
- Country Presentation (Viet Nam)
- Asian Mayors Session 1_Presentation 1: Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) in 2030 Agenda
- Asian Mayors Session 1_Presentation 2: The role of EST for Developing Low Carbon Cities and Communities in Asia
- Asian Mayors Session 1_Presentation 3: Making Low Carbon Cities and Communities through Light Rail Transit (LRT)
- Asian Mayors Session 2_Presentation 1: People-oriented Urban Planning and Design in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
- Asian Mayors Session 2_Presentation 2: People Friendly Transport Policies, Planning and Design -an Experience from Daejeon City, Republic of Korea
- Asian Mayors Session 2_Presentation 3: Improving City through People Friendly Design and Development- an Experience from Surat City, India
- Asian Mayors Session 3_Presentation 1: Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Policies and Measures for Sustainable Cities
- Asian Mayors Session 3_Presentation 2: Improving Transportation Demand Management through Sustainable Urban Planning and Design: Recommendations from International Green Model City Initiative (IGMC)
- Asian Mayors Session 3_Presentation 3: Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Policies and Measures - a case of Mongolia
- Asian Mayors Session 4_Presentation 1: Eco-mobility as a means of Urban Innovation for Low-carbon and Sustainable Cities ~ an Experience from Suwon City, Republic of Korea
- Asian Mayors Session 4_Presentation 2: Integrated Land-use and Urban Transport Planning for Low-carbon and Sustainable Cities ~ Experience from European cities
- Plenary Session 1_Presentation 1: Sustainable Urban Design for Green Growth - Role of EST
- Plenary Session 1_Presentation 2: Building the City of the Future through Innovative Urban Design and Development Oriented Transit
- Plenary Session 1_Presentation 3: Sustainable Urban Design-A Way Towards TOD Trends and Development in Japan
- Plenary Session 1_Presentation 4: Possibility of Mongolia on North East Asian Economic Integration Based on Sustainable Urban Development and Economic Corridor
- Plenary Session 2_Presentation 1: Transport Challenges and Opportunities for Landlocked Countries for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Plenary Session 2_Presentation 2:Transport Challenges and Opportunities for Mongolia
- Plenary Session 2_Presentation 3: Achieving Resilience of the Transport System in Landlocked Countries- Challenges and Opportunities
- Plenary Session 2_Presentation 4: Mass Transit Options for Bhutan-a Case Study
- Plenary Session 3_Presentation 1: Sustainable Urban Design for Road Safety
- Plenary Session 3_Presentation 2: Sustainable Urban Development through Innovative Public Transport Solutions
- Plenary Session 3_Presentation 3: Public Transport Enhancement through Sustainable Urban Design and Development- Case Studies and Best Practices
- Plenary Session 3_Presentation 4: Urban Development Projects along with Economic Corridor China-Mongolia-Russia
- Plenary Session 4_Background Presentation 1: Sustainable Urban Design Co-benefits-Role of EST in Air Pollution Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation
- Plenary Session 4_Presentation 2: ADB's Strategy Towards Changing Focus of Transport in Asia from Climate Prospective
- Plenary Session 4_Presentation 3: Japan's Real Success of Low Cost Transport Carbon Mitigation, Transferrable to Asia
- Plenary Session 4_Presentation 4: Legal Framework for Sustainable Development of Urban Transport Systems in the Russian Federation
- Plenary Session 4_Presentation 5: Urban Planning: Climate Change and Air Pollution - a case of Mongolia
- Plenary Session 5_Presentation 1: Mobility and NMT in Sustainable Urban Development ~ Role of City Developers
- Plenary Session 5_Presentation 2: Sustainable Urban Development and Role of Private Sectors: a Case of Japan
- Plenary Session 5_Presentation 3: Future Plan on Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Towards Green Growth in Mongolia
- Plenary Session 5_Presentation 4: Social Aspects of Urban Planning and Design - Role of Non-Motorized Transport (NMT)
- Plenary Session 5_Presentation 5: Importance of Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) for Making Cities and Communities Liveable and Sustainable
- Plenary Session 6_Presentation 1: Role of e-Mobility in Sustainable Urban Development for Achieving the SDG 11
- Plenary Session 6_Presentation 2: Sustainable Urban Transport Index (SUTI) for Asian Cities
- Plenary Session 6_Presentation 3: Electric Mobility: Key Components of Smarter Transport in Tourist Destinations
- Plenary Session 7_Presentation 1: Sustainable Urban Development ~ Role of Railways
- Plenary Session 7_Presentation 2: Contribution of Railways for the Sustainable Urban Development in Japan
- Plenary Session 7_Presentation 3: Railways for the Sustainable Urban Development
- Plenary Session 7_Presentation 4: Low Carbon High Volume Transport ~ Implications Towards Paris Climate Agreement (DFID Study)-
- Plenary Session 8_Presentation 1: Lessons from VNR Reporting (2016-2018) ~ Inputs to the Successor of the Bangkok 2020 Declaration (2010-2020)
- Plenary Session 8_Presentation 2: Outcome of the ADB Transport Forum ~ Changing Focus of Sustainable Transport in Asia & Implications Towards the Successor of the Bangkok 2020 Declaration (2010-2020)
- Pre-event 1- How to ensure the first and last mile approaches are mutually reinforcing to enhance rural-urban connectivity?
- Pre-event 1- Rural Transport and Its Role in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
- Pre-event 1- Rural-Urban Connectivity: Concepts, Case Studies and Current Status in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Pre-event 1- The First mile: connecting rural communities to regional and urban centres Update on the Rural Access Index review
- Pre-event 1- Update on the Vientiane Declaration on Rural Transport: Status and Progress
- Pre-event 2-Introduction to Workshop: Motive and Objectives_Karl Peet
- Pre-event 2-Organization and specific program of the workshop_Johon Rogers
- Pre-event 2-Overview of Opportunities/ Challenges of Implementing Low Carbon, High Volume Transport in Project Countries_Bangladesh
- Pre-event 2-Role of Low Carbon, High Volume Transport in Achieving the Bangkok 2020 Declaration
- Pre-event 3- Assessment and Strategies for Improving Urban Public Transport in Asia
- Pre-event 3- Land-use Planning and Urban Mobility
- Pre-event 3- New Street and People Oriented Design- Presentation 1
- Pre-event 3- New Street and People Oriented Design- Presentation 2
- Pre-event 3- Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) and Traffic Calming
- Pre-event 3- Public Transport Enhancement and NMT Interchange
- Pre-event 3- Role of EST and Sustainable Urban Design for Achieving the SDG 11
- Pre-event 3- Successful TDM Policies and Measures